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Ciaramitaro History


Watch "The Ciaramitaro Story: Terrasini to Detroit" Here!!

A 47 minute video by clicking on this Link:

It was created in 2009 by Bob Mazzola and family Historian Norm Hall.

Due to the size of the video file, the picture quality is better when viewed on a small size window in your browser.



We can start dating our history back to the 1800's
Carlo & Flaviae [Palazzolo] Ciaramitaro Lived in Terrasini Sicily, Italy.

They owned a fishing equipment store, a bar, and they operated many boats in Sicily.
Carlo & Flaviae had 6 Children, they are: Salvatore, Carlo, Guiseppe (Joseph), Mike, Angelina, & Vito

The First born Son, Salvatore, was born September 23, 1865 in Terrasini, Sicily Italy. He grew up on the North West coast of the Gulf of Castellammare, the town was made up of fisherman and farmers, and Salvatore was a fisherman.

Salvatore met a girl in Sicily Named Rosalia Delia, the daughter of Salvatore & Maria Mannino, and they got married on November 22, 1891 in Sicily.

Certificate of Marriage Translated

The economy had started to decline in Sicily, malaria had struck the area and the agricultural industry was in a huge depression, parasites had attacked the grape vines destroying most of the crops. It was then, that Salvatore decided he wanted a better life for him and his family and decided to go to America. At this time they had 3 children, Charles, Salvatore, & Anthony.
On January 20, 1898 Salvatore left the Port of Naples on the SS Burgundia. Sailing for Ellis Island, he arrived on February 8th, 1898. Not able to read or write when he arrived, he listed his destination as Detroit, Michigan, where his brother Guiseppe had already immigrated to.

Manifest For Salvatore

He resided at 262 Woodbridge Detroit MI. which was the area where most immigrants lived. On April 5, 1899, Salvatore became a citizen of the United States, which automatically makes his family citizens too.



In 1900 Rosalia and her 3 children (Charles 8, Salvatore 6 & Anthony 5) Rosalia's Brother Gasper & sister Concetta came to America, They borded the SS Columbia on November 20, 1900 and arrived at Ellis Island on December 6, 1900

Manifest for Rosalia


In 1914 Salvatore started a Produce Business on Rivard Street near Cadillac Square Market, making 50 cents a week, they sold apples and oranges in Greektown and eventually they moved to 2506 Market Street in the Easter Market, Ciaramitaro Brothers Fruits and Produce prospered until 2006


Salvatore passed away on August 18, 1932 he was 67 years old. Rosalie was born in 1872 (not sure of month) and died on October 8, 1961. She was 89 years old.

Salvatore & Rosalie ended up having 9 Children: Charles, Salvatore, Anthony, Gasper, Florence, William, Mary, Joseph & Angeline.

Salvatore & Rosalie are the Start of this Family Tree, and It is this tree, that has grown generations, and has inspired us to create this website.


Pictured below is From Left to Right: Joe Ciaramitaro, ?, ?, and Anthony Ciaramitaro at the Eastern Market around 1935


Pictured below is William Ciaramitaro & his son Sam Ciaramitaro in front of Ciaramitaro Brothers Produce, at the Eastern Market in the late 1970's





Below is an Early Family Tree